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作者:Clay Lucas 石 言 李 芬(编译) · 2007-11-02
  【澳大利亚《时代报》The Age 2007年10月31日,作者:Clay Lucas】墨尔本市市长苏震西宣布:“墨尔本欢迎任何人,除了法轮功!”
  11月17日,“圣火”将要传到墨尔本,届时他们打算举行反对所谓中国迫害其练习者的抗议活动。昨晚,绿党议员Fraser Brindley动员市政厅正式接见组织这项活动的代表团。但苏市长说,法轮功在这里不受欢迎,他不会支持这项提议。他说:“我相信议会也不会支持法轮功。”
  卡尔·杰特议员提供了为何不通过这一提议的细节。在昨晚会议前的质询中,卡尔·杰特议员说,法轮功是一群狂热的信徒,我不支持任何狂热的宗教或政治团体。法轮功的支持者宣称,自1999年以来,中国进行了所谓的镇压运动。前加拿大下院议员大卫·基尔格(David Kilgour)去年抛出一个所谓的《调查报告》,说中国杀害法轮功不同政见者并盗用他们的器官。
Falun Gong is So out at city hall

EVERYONE is welcome in Melbourne, according to Lord Mayor John So. Except Falun Gong.

Last night, he used his numbers on the Melbourne City Council to quash a proposed Town Hall reception for a group from the spiritual movement, which is banned in China.

Falun Gong's Global Human Rights Torch Relay is travelling through 37 countries before next year's Beijing Olympics.

It arrives in Melbourne on November 17, and is protesting against alleged human rights violations in China against its practitioners.

Greens councillor Fraser Brindley last night moved the council formally receive a delegation from the relay at the town hall.

But Cr So said Falun Gong was not welcome, and he would not support the proposal.

"I believe this council should not support Falun Gong," he said.

To cries of "You are a joke, Lord Mayor" from Cr Brindley, Cr So then declared: "Everyone is welcome here in the city."

One of Cr So's team of councillors was more specific about why the group should not be allowed.

Cr Carl Jetter, questioned before last night's meeting, said the Falun Gong were fanatics.

"I don't support any fanatical religious or political groups," said Cr Jetter, whose other job is selling advertising space in the business magazine Australia China Connections.

Falun Gong supporters say a brutal crackdown on the movement in China since 1999 has resulted in authorities killing and torturing thousands of practitioners.

Human rights lawyer and former Canadian cabinet member David Kilgour last year reported that China had been killing Falun Gong dissidents so it could use their organs.

It is not the first time the Lord Mayor and his team have been accused of dabbling in Chinese politics.

In 2003, council banned Falun Gong members from taking part in the Moomba parade because they were too political.

The council was later ordered by the state appeals tribunal to apologise to the group and apologise in Chinese newspapers.

In May, Cr So hosted a delegation from the National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China, but almost simultaneously refused to meet the Dalai Lama on his visit to Australia.

Cr so, a successful Chinatown restaurateur, has also helped established a strong sister-city relationship between Melbourne and the north-eastern Chinese city of Tianjin.

The organisers of the torch relay said last night they were disappointed the council would not receive their delegation.

(The Age, October 31, 2007)

Original text from: http://www.theage.com.auewsational/falun-gong-is-so-out-at-city-hall/2007/10/30/1193618891020.html
