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后,对家人为她买来的药物,执意不吃不用。她说: "'师父不让我吃药,严重时他会来解救。"








  李洪志及其"法轮功"蒙骗群众、引人入套的诱人"招牌",莫过于其标榜的所谓"真、善、忍"。按李洪志的歪理邪说,"真、善、忍"是为修炼,为"上层次"、上"天国"。在李洪志"真、善、忍"的诱骗下,许多" 法轮功"练习者上当受骗。







  李宏武的妻子说,1997年李宏武弄到了一套"法轮大法"的书及录像带,按书中所说的那一套"真、善、忍"的歪理邪说,开始不吃肉,在床上打坐连蚊子叮咬也一动不动,夫妻关系名存实亡。渐渐地,他对自己的亲生女儿也变得冷漠,经常在院子里低头发呆,一呆就是一个多小时,有时自言自语,说是在"与师父对话"。为了求 "真"、求"善"、求"忍",李宏武不吃肉,连吃鸡蛋都说肚子里会孵出小鸡,看电视不准有声音,说影响与" 师父"交流,为的是"上层次"、"走向圆满"。

  李宏武按照李洪志及其"法轮功"的歪理邪说,抛开妻子、女儿和年迈的父母,跳崖身亡,这就是李洪志的" 真、善、忍"吗?




  一番诡秘险恶的胡言乱语之后,李洪志不失时机地以万能的"救世主"形象粉墨登场,鼓吹自己超凡脱俗,惟有他才是"度人去天国"的"救世主",惟有"法轮大法" 才是拯救全人类的"超常大法",妄称"我要是度不了你,谁也度不了你",进而在精神上控制练习者,使他们死心踏地听李洪志指控。








  136个自杀身亡、无辜惨死的生灵,是李洪志及" 法轮功"残害生命、践踏人权的铁证;

  宝贵的生命换来血的教训:李洪志宣称的走向"圆满" 、通往"天国"之途,就是把"法轮功"痴迷者引向死亡之路。




  孙杰的妻子唐小平告诉记者:"孙杰是1995年8月开始练习'法轮功'的,从此以后,这个原本温馨的家庭失去了往日的和睦。他变得不再关心孩子,心思全放在了'练功'、'学法'上,渐渐地对我也不再体贴。孙杰常说,《转法轮》上讲,不去掉情、欲、不放下常人的心,是修炼不好的,只有放弃人间的一切情爱和欲望,才能' 上层次',达到最高境界。


  "整整一个冬天,他为了所谓的'上层次',半夜三更的,一个人在冰天雪地里练功,一练就是好几个小时,最后冻得小手指甲盖都掉了;夏天练功,蚊叮虫咬也一动不动。孙杰说,只有这样才能达到'师父'说的'上层次' 的要求。"

  诱使孙杰抛弃世间真情,直至断送生命的"上层次" 邪说,正是李洪志欺世蒙人的核心伎俩之一,也是"法轮功"诱骗众多练习者趋之若鹜的"法宝"。


  李洪志还煞有介事地描绘着"最高层次"的境界:" 将来修成的时候,想要什么伸手即来,要什么有什么,想干什么就干什么,在他的世界中什么都有。"

  怎样才能"上层次"呢?李洪志要求,要"弘法"和 "护法",要去掉"一切执著心"。"弘法",就是大家在一起,背书、听录音、看录像,相互"交流"。"护法" 就是当"法轮功"的本质暴露时,"要在关键时刻看人心怎么样","考验面前见真性"。


  原来如此,"上层次"邪说就是利诱威逼"法轮功" 练习者坚定对李洪志的信念,放弃世间的一切亲情、友情等美好的东西,义无反顾地追随"师父"。否则,"魔" 就会来取你的性命,而"师父"的"护法神"更不会放过你的!


  在李洪志的歪理邪说中,"圆满说"是一个最具欺骗性的谬论。它蛊惑人们去"消业"、"上层次"然后达到 "圆满"。那么,他的"圆满"到底是什么货色,它要把痴迷者引向何处?


  1998年8月29日晚,四川省宜宾市的王玉芝在家中对丈夫说:"我要升天了,数九下就要上天,飞了。" 并躺在地上数"1、2、3……"数完以后,她没有飞起来,神情呆滞,第二天在家中上吊身亡。


  李洪志为他的痴心追随者许下这样的诺言:"我也想在你们'圆满'的时候给人类带来一个壮举……叫所有' 大法弟子'不管要不要身体的,都带着身体飞上天,不要身体的在空中虹化掉,然后飞走。"

  重庆市开县天白乡工商所干部高恩成正是在李洪志" 求仙成佛"的蛊惑下走上了绝
路。他于1997年和妻子开始练习"法轮功",坚信李洪志讲的练习"法轮功"到达一定程度,会"三花聚顶"、"生原婴"、"返本归真" 、"死后升天",1998年11月6日上午10 时,他在自家楼上怀抱儿子高雄从四楼跳下。高恩成因抢救无效死亡,小孩经抢救脱险。


  "谁是我们的亲人,我们的真正父母在天上看着我们,看着我们回去,我们大家都想回去。"这是南京新华船厂的工人冯少宝在练习"法轮功"笔记中写下的话。1998年7月10日,练了4年"法轮大法"的冯少宝悬梁自尽。冯少宝的妻子说,冯少宝临死前,曾对她说: "如果我走后48小时还不回来的话,我肯定已经到了' 天国'了。"

  李洪志鼓吹,修到很高层次的时候"成仙成佛"," 如果你真的'圆满'了,你是修成了一个很大的神,或者是很大的佛……别说你度你的亲人,你把地球攥在手里也就不费吹灰之力。"为"求圆满"、"升天"、"成仙成佛", 酿成了多少人间惨剧:






  李洪志说:"我有无数的法身,和我长得一样……他们自己有独立做事的能力,他们会看护你,保护你……" 对"法轮功"如痴如醉的练习者,有的认为有"大师"李洪志的"法身"到处保佑着他,刀枪不入,水火不毁,有的认为自己"功成圆满"能飞能漂,从而送了性命。

  河北省三河市(氵加句)阳镇西关村村民刘福生1998年初开始练习"法轮功",逐渐痴迷。1998年9月,他在三河市第三幼儿园与人聊天时称自己练功要 "成仙"了,能腾云驾雾,可以飞过幼儿园对面的河去。1999年4月26日,刘福生换了一双新

  山东济宁市有一名叫孙武菊的妇女1997年练习" 法轮功"后,迷信"法轮功"的"法力"。1999年2月5日,她喝下毒药后对她女儿说:"我死不了,我会用功力逼出毒

  中国中医研究院气功研究室主任张洪林就此指出," 法轮功"的歪理邪说对练习者具有强烈的"迷魂"作用,正是这一点使许多练习者容易产生幻觉,认为自己具有了某种"超常"功能。李洪志要求练习者每天无休止地练他的功、读他的法、听他的录音、看他的录像,这种长时间接受李洪志歪理邪说刺激的练功方式,使练习者的大脑从早到晚一直充斥着那些荒诞的"经文"内容,比如"能飞能漂"、"成仙成佛"等,而对其他事物,包括对自己的亲人、朋友没有兴趣甚至反感。

  正是强烈的"迷魂"作用,使一些"法轮功"练习者在痴迷状态产生种种幻觉,仿佛出现"超常能量"。吉林省蛟河市农民张兴华,迷恋"法轮功"后,多次对妻子说: "我的悟性好,能达到高层次。"1997年1月15日早8时许,张兴华去邻近的烟叶科研所锅炉房担水时,指着锅炉里熊熊燃烧的烈火对当班工人说:"我现在就能进去,再从大烟囱里出来,什么事也没有。"随即便往里钻,被周围的工人及时制止。





  血淋淋的事实揭示了"法轮功"残忍的本质。136条被李洪志无辜摧残的生命,进一步戳穿了李洪志鼓吹的 "真、善、忍"、"上层次"、"圆满"等弥天谎言,让世人再一次看清了李洪志歪理邪说的危害,识破了"法轮功"残害生命、泯灭人性、践踏人权的邪教本


Falun Gong leads followers to suicide

Part I

Xinhua News Agency published Tuesday the first part of a case study of the reports on 136 suicidal Falun Gong followers, entitled A Road to 'Nirvana' That Leads to Death.

At least 136 Falun Gong followers had killed themselves, before July 22, 1999, the day when the cult was outlawed by the Chinese government, Xinhua said, citing incomplete statistics.

Falun Gong, headed by Li Hongzhi, has led numerous people to death on their way toward nirvana, by bewildering followers with words stolen from lawful religions, such as the doomsday, being raised to the skies and nirvana.

During their investigation, the reporters found many tricks used by Falun Gong to cheat its followers.

For instance, the cult asks its practitioners not to take any medicine when they fall ill. Taking drugs would lead to accumulation of Yeli, or bad things, in the patient's body, according to Li's instructions.

Liu Yazhen, a retired woman worker from Zhaoyuan County, Heilongjiang Province, refused to take drugs, when she was diagnosed as suffering from nerval dysfunction. The 'Master of Falun' does not allow me to take medicine, she insisted, He must come to my rescue when my illness becomes severe.

Later, Liu became suspicious of Falun Gong as her illness worsened, but was told by her counselor, The 'Master' is helping you to 'Xiaoye (eliminate bad things)'. If you stop practicing Falun Gong, you'll be punished.

At mid-night June 29, 1997, the woman drowned herself for being unable to stand the pain caused by her illness.

In their study, the reporters came to learn that many of those who committed suicide started to learn and practice Falun Gong only with the motive to live a healthier and better life.

Miao Shuyun, a woman practitioner from Qidong County, Jiangsu Province, ate one of her own fingers and jumped to her death in a well on May 2, 1999. My 'Yeli' is too heavy, she often said, so I must commit suicide to wash off my sin.

Many of the suicidal Falun Gong followers were found to have been lured by the so-called Truthfulness, Kindness and  Tolerance advocated by the cult leader.

On August 11, 1998, Li Hongwu, a 28-year-old practitioner, plunged to his death from a hundred-meter-high cliff in the suburbs of Kunming City, the provincial capital of Yunnan Province.

Li was a university graduate and worked as translator for the provincial sports commission. Since he began to follow Falun Gong in 1997, the young man strictly followed Li Hongzhi's instructions by refusing to eat meat, allowing mosquitoes to bite him freely, stopping having sex with his wife, and distancing himself from his daughter.

Li was often found lowering his head, staring blankly, and murmuring to himself in talks to the Master. Li prohibited any conduct that may affect his exchanges with the Master or hamper his efforts to reach Nirvana.

The reporters found that one of the most fatal instructions of the cult leader is the so-called Doomsday.

Li Hongzhi, the cult founder, has said that the human society has suffered 81 periodic changes. Upon turning back, you will see that today's human society is very horrible. It is really horrible,  he said, the human being will face destruction, a complete destruction, if they keep sliding down. That is to say nothing left and very horrible!

The cult leader has called himself the almighty Savior and said that he is the only one who can help raise the people to skies and that Falun Dafa is the extraordinary law to rescue all human beings. If I don't help raise you to skies, nobody can help you do that, he has said.

On July 17, 1999, Long Gang, a restaurant owner in Chongqing City, carrying his six-year-old son, jumped off a bridge and drowned, but luckily his son was rescued by his family members and neighbors.

Long was a faithful believer of Li Hongzhi's Doomsday theory. Before Long's death, he often told others that the earth was going to be destroyed and that he was afraid of it and wanted to fly up to the skies to avoid the catastrophe.

Li Weidong, a farmer from Liaoyang City, Liaoning Province, and Xu Huijun, a woman worker from Qiqihar City, Heilongjiang Province, are also victims of the Doomsday, the reporters found.

On February 5, 1998, Li hanged himself at noon, after telling his family members including his 89-year-old mother that the Heaven was going to break down and the earth was going to sink within two hours.

on the early morning of May 31, 1999, Xu jumped to her death from the window of a sixth-floor room. The day before the morning of her suicide, the woman was out of her senses and repeated sayings like We're in danger and I'm leaving first, and The Earth is really going to be destroyed.

Xinhua News Agency published Wednesday the second part of a case study of the reports on 136 suicidal Falun Gong followers, entitled "A Road to 'Nirvana' That Leads to Death."

The 136 suicides are irrefutable evidence of the brutal murder of lives and the total disregard of their human rights by Falun Gong and cult leader Li Hongzhi, according to reporters participating in the investigation.

The bloody lesson people could learn from these suicides is that the road claimed by the cult chieftain as leading to the so- called "Nirvana" and "Heavenly Kingdom" is nothing but a road that leads to death.

The facts show that it is hard to imagine how many more Falun Gong practitioners would have fallen victim to the cult and how many more families would have lost their loved ones, if the government had not banned the cult in time on July 22, 1999.

Among of the suicidal practitioners, many of them were trying hard to achieve "Shangcengci," or to ascend to a higher level of faith, according to the case study.

One of those who killed themselves to try and ascend is Sun Jie, a worker at the No.803 Plant under the power supply administration of Gansu Province.

On April 26, 1999, Sun committed suicide by setting himself on fire at home, with a tape-recorder broadcasting the ringleader's teachings in arms and a copy of Li's works.

Tang Xiaoping, Sun's widow, told Xinhua that ever since her late husband began practicing Falun Gong, their family had lost the harmony it once had because Sun was reluctant to care about his wife and their child and indulged himself in studying the cult teachings completely.

Sun often told his wife that according to Li's teachings, the followers must abandon the desires and love of ordinary people, so that they could achieve the goal of "Shangcengci" (to a higher level) and finally reach the highest level.

Beginning from the end of 1998, Sun became abnormal and often told his wife that there was little time left for him and he had to lose no time in practicing Falun Gong. Since then, Sun often stayed up the whole night by listening to tape recordings or watching video tapes, regardless of other matters.

During the whole winter, before setting himself on fire in the Spring, Sun always practiced late into the night outside the house, braving chilly snow and winds. He lost his toenails due to the harsh weather.

According to the cult leader, the human being has plunged to the lowest level from the space and are leading a moronic life, and therefore, they must try to escape as quickly as possible by ascending level by level. The only way to ascend is to practice Falun Gong.

The ringleader of Falun Gong has depicted the "highest level" like this: When the highest level is reached, one can get and do whatever he wants to, and they have everything in his world.

In addition to practicing, Li also urged his believers to " Hongfa (Spread Falun Gong)" and "Hufa (Safeguard Falun Gong)" to achieve "Shangcengci."

Referring to "Hongfa," the followers should study his teachings by reciting, listening to tape-recordings and watching video tapes, while exchanging their views. "Hufa" demands the followers to stand various sufferings in a show of their true belief, when Falun Gong is criticized by others.

Many of the followers were convinced that if they did not obey the Master's teachings, they would be killed by the "gods" that guard Falun Gong.

Among Li's teachings, "Nirvana," a term Li has stolen from Buddhism, is the most deceiving, which demands the followers to reach "Nirvana" through "Xiaoye (Eliminate Bad Things)" and " Shangcengci" (ascending to a higher level).

By practicing Falun Gong, people are turning themselves into various kinds of gods or goddesses, according to the cult chieftain.

On August 29, 1998, Wang Yuzhi, a woman from Yibin, Sichuan Province, told her husband, "I'm going to ascend to the skies and I'll start to fly after I count from one to nine."

Wang looked gawkish, after she failed to start flying after the counting. She hanged herself to death in her home the day after.

According to her husband, Wang became a Falun Gong practitioner in May 1998, and since then, she gave up all home chores and immersed herself in the practice. Wang often told her husband and parents that she was not ordinary and wanted to become a fairy in the so-called "Paradise."

The ringleader has made a promise to his followers, "I want to conduct a magnificent action when you have reached 'Yuanman ( Nirvana).' All my disciples will fly up to the Heaven with their bodies, regardless of whether they want their bodies or not. Those who don't want their bodies would have their bodies melted like a rainbow, before they ascend to the skies."

Many of the suicides believed that when they reach "Nirvana," what they give up is nothing but the body.

Feng Shaobao, a suicidal follower from Nanjing, the provincial capital of Jiangsu Province, writes in his diary, "Who are our kin? Our real parents are looking at us from the Heaven. They are calling us to return and all of us want to return."

Feng, a shipbuilding factory worker, hung himself on July 10, 1998, four years after he started practicing Falun Gong. Before he died, Feng told his wife, "If I do not come back in 48 hours, I have certainly reached the 'Heavenly Kingdom.'"

On July 22, 1999, Song Yufeng, a farmer from Wuzhi County, Henan Province, poisoned himself to death, in hopes that all his family members would enjoy his luck, after he becomes a god in the "Heaven."

On April 14, 1999, Liu Shengzhi in Mianzhu City in Sichuan hung herself, thinking that she had practiced well enough to reach " Nirvana" and the Lotus-sitting "Master Li" was coming to receive her.

On June 5, 1999, He Limin, a farmer in Tangshan City in Hebei Province, died after taking poison. Prior to dying he murmured, "I 'm becoming a god. I'm becoming a god."

During their investigation, the Xinhua reporters came to learn that many of the suicidal practitioners were convinced by the ringleader that they had been granted such magic powers as "flying high under the Sun" and "free of being hurt by bullet and knife."

"I've got many 'Fashen (Invisible Bodies)" who look alike to me and are able to do anything by themselves. They will look after and protect you wherever you are," the cult head says.

Liu Fengsheng, a villager in Sanhe Town, Hebei Province, began practicing Falun Gong in early 1998. One day in September, 1998, Liu told others that he had become a god through practicing and was able to fly across a river.

On April 26, 1999, Liu, in a pair of new shoes and with an umbrella in hand, tried in vain to fly across the river, but drowned.

Sun Wuju, a woman of Jining, Shandong Province, had practiced Falun Gong since 1997, and then the woman thought she had gained magic powers.

On February 5, 1999, Sun drank poison and said to her daughter, "I will not die as I can use the magic powers to force out the poison from my body."

Afterwards, she ate steamed bread with tea, trying to force out the poison, but failed. She died, before others could convince her to go to hospital.

Li Hongzhi's heresy has aroused anger among local experts. Zhang Honglin, a deep-breath researcher from the Traditional Chinese Medicine Institute of China, pointed out that Li's evil teachings have bewildered his followers and made them believe that they could get magic powers through practicing Falun Gong.

Under Li's instructions, the followers have to practice Falun Gong day and night, which would make them lose interests in their family members and friends and turn to believe in magic powers, according to the expert.

The bloody facts have exposed the nature of Falun Gong and the 136 lost lives show that the so-called "Truthfulness, Kindness and Tolerance" advocated by the ringleader are lies.

The facts have helped the people see the harm of Li's evil teachings and the nature of Falun Gong which is really a cult that has cruelly taken lives, damaged human nature, and trampled on human rights, the case study says. It warns people to be on their guard.

Part II

Xinhua News Agency published Wednesday the second part of a case study of the reports on 136 suicidal Falun Gong followers, entitled "A Road to 'Nirvana' That Leads to Death."

The 136 suicides are irrefutable evidence of the brutal murder of lives and the total disregard of their human rights by Falun Gong and cult leader Li Hongzhi, according to reporters participating in the investigation.

The bloody lesson people could learn from these suicides is that the road claimed by the cult chieftain as leading to the so- called "Nirvana" and "Heavenly Kingdom" is nothing but a road that leads to death.

The facts show that it is hard to imagine how many more Falun Gong practitioners would have fallen victim to the cult and how many more families would have lost their loved ones, if the government had not banned the cult in time on July 22, 1999.

Among of the suicidal practitioners, many of them were trying hard to achieve "Shangcengci," or to ascend to a higher level of faith, according to the case study.

One of those who killed themselves to try and ascend is Sun Jie, a worker at the No.803 Plant under the power supply administration of Gansu Province.

On April 26, 1999, Sun committed suicide by setting himself on fire at home, with a tape-recorder broadcasting the ringleader's teachings in arms and a copy of Li's works.

Tang Xiaoping, Sun's widow, told Xinhua that ever since her late husband began practicing Falun Gong, their family had lost the harmony it once had because Sun was reluctant to care about his wife and their child and indulged himself in studying the cult teachings completely.

Sun often told his wife that according to Li's teachings, the followers must abandon the desires and love of ordinary people, so that they could achieve the goal of "Shangcengci" (to a higher level) and finally reach the highest level.

Beginning from the end of 1998, Sun became abnormal and often told his wife that there was little time left for him and he had to lose no time in practicing Falun Gong. Since then, Sun often stayed up the whole night by listening to tape recordings or watching video tapes, regardless of other matters.

During the whole winter, before setting himself on fire in the Spring, Sun always practiced late into the night outside the house, braving chilly snow and winds. He lost his toenails due to the harsh weather.

According to the cult leader, the human being has plunged to the lowest level from the space and are leading a moronic life, and therefore, they must try to escape as quickly as possible by ascending level by level. The only way to ascend is to practice Falun Gong.

The ringleader of Falun Gong has depicted the "highest level" like this: When the highest level is reached, one can get and do whatever he wants to, and they have everything in his world.

In addition to practicing, Li also urged his believers to " Hongfa (Spread Falun Gong)" and "Hufa (Safeguard Falun Gong)" to achieve "Shangcengci."

Referring to "Hongfa," the followers should study his teachings by reciting, listening to tape-recordings and watching video tapes, while exchanging their views. "Hufa" demands the followers to stand various sufferings in a show of their true belief, when Falun Gong is criticized by others.

Many of the followers were convinced that if they did not obey the Master's teachings, they would be killed by the "gods" that guard Falun Gong.

Among Li's teachings, "Nirvana," a term Li has stolen from Buddhism, is the most deceiving, which demands the followers to reach "Nirvana" through "Xiaoye (Eliminate Bad Things)" and " Shangcengci" (ascending to a higher level).

By practicing Falun Gong, people are turning themselves into various kinds of gods or goddesses, according to the cult chieftain.

On August 29, 1998, Wang Yuzhi, a woman from Yibin, Sichuan Province, told her husband, "I'm going to ascend to the skies and I'll start to fly after I count from one to nine."

Wang looked gawkish, after she failed to start flying after the counting. She hanged herself to death in her home the day after.

According to her husband, Wang became a Falun Gong practitioner in May 1998, and since then, she gave up all home chores and immersed herself in the practice. Wang often told her husband and parents that she was not ordinary and wanted to become a fairy in the so-called "Paradise."

The ringleader has made a promise to his followers, "I want to conduct a magnificent action when you have reached 'Yuanman ( Nirvana).' All my disciples will fly up to the Heaven with their bodies, regardless of whether they want their bodies or not. Those who don't want their bodies would have their bodies melted like a rainbow, before they ascend to the skies."

Many of the suicides believed that when they reach "Nirvana," what they give up is nothing but the body.

Feng Shaobao, a suicidal follower from Nanjing, the provincial capital of Jiangsu Province, writes in his diary, "Who are our kin? Our real parents are looking at us from the Heaven. They are calling us to return and all of us want to return."

Feng, a shipbuilding factory worker, hung himself on July 10, 1998, four years after he started practicing Falun Gong. Before he died, Feng told his wife, "If I do not come back in 48 hours, I have certainly reached the 'Heavenly Kingdom.'"

On July 22, 1999, Song Yufeng, a farmer from Wuzhi County, Henan Province, poisoned himself to death, in hopes that all his family members would enjoy his luck, after he becomes a god in the "Heaven."

On April 14, 1999, Liu Shengzhi in Mianzhu City in Sichuan hung herself, thinking that she had practiced well enough to reach " Nirvana" and the Lotus-sitting "Master Li" was coming to receive her.

On June 5, 1999, He Limin, a farmer in Tangshan City in Hebei Province, died after taking poison. Prior to dying he murmured, "I 'm becoming a god. I'm becoming a god."

During their investigation, the Xinhua reporters came to learn that many of the suicidal practitioners were convinced by the ringleader that they had been granted such magic powers as "flying high under the Sun" and "free of being hurt by bullet and knife."

"I've got many 'Fashen (Invisible Bodies)" who look alike to me and are able to do anything by themselves. They will look after and protect you wherever you are," the cult head says.

Liu Fengsheng, a villager in Sanhe Town, Hebei Province, began practicing Falun Gong in early 1998. One day in September, 1998, Liu told others that he had become a god through practicing and was able to fly across a river.

On April 26, 1999, Liu, in a pair of new shoes and with an umbrella in hand, tried in vain to fly across the river, but drowned.

Sun Wuju, a woman of Jining, Shandong Province, had practiced Falun Gong since 1997, and then the woman thought she had gained magic powers.

On February 5, 1999, Sun drank poison and said to her daughter, "I will not die as I can use the magic powers to force out the poison from my body."

Afterwards, she ate steamed bread with tea, trying to force out the poison, but failed. She died, before others could convince her to go to hospital.

Li Hongzhi's heresy has aroused anger among local experts. Zhang Honglin, a deep-breath researcher from the Traditional Chinese Medicine Institute of China, pointed out that Li's evil teachings have bewildered his followers and made them believe that they could get magic powers through practicing Falun Gong.

Under Li's instructions, the followers have to practice Falun Gong day and night, which would make them lose interests in their family members and friends and turn to believe in magic powers, according to the expert.

The bloody facts have exposed the nature of Falun Gong and the 136 lost lives show that the so-called "Truthfulness, Kindness and Tolerance" advocated by the ringleader are lies.

The facts have helped the people see the harm of Li's evil teachings and the nature of Falun Gong which is really a cult that has cruelly taken lives, damaged human nature, and trampled on human rights, the case study says. It warns people to be on their guard.

(Xinhua, March 21, 2001)
