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2006-07-18 来源:凯风网





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(女播音员) 李洪志歪理邪说的另一个基本内容,便是他反动的天命观和轮回报应说。


(录像,李洪志)神在这看着了,这个空间有管人本身伦理的 ,有管社会稳定的,有管安排各种体系的,有操纵地球稳定的,有管空气的,和各种空气成份的,还有他都不同的神对地球不同的事。什么样的神都有在这里面。”







































Critical Comments On Li Hongzhi's "Scripture"  (Part 2)

The Devious Words and Sayings About Fate, Prophecies, Reincarnation, Retributions

Female commentator: Another basic component of Li Hongzhi’s devious theories and saying is his reactionary view of fate and retribution in reincarnation.

Male commentator: He posits that from the life-span, wealth-status of a person, to the rises and falls of a state, everything is determined by fate.  Let us say how his nonsense is spelled out.

Video of Li Hongzhi: The gods are watching, this space have gods controlling human ethics, controlling social stabilities, controlling and arranging all types of systems, some controlling the stability of the earth, some controlling the air, and the airs, and every different deity controls different aspects of the earth.  This has every type of gods.

Female commentator: Listening to this, Li Hongzhi seems to be very clear about the affairs of the gods, counting them as his household.  But if we give it a bit thinking, this scheme is a copy from the human administrative system.   Then, how should human beings spend their lifes?

Video of Li Hongzhi: So, all our individual striving, wishing to develop socially, reaching our goals, none of these has to be done,  all exist over there.  Right, I am telling you, all exist over there.  You are only playing a role according to the director, the movie has been made, it is only the playing of it.

Male commentator: If we believe in Li Hongzhi’s words, human is only performing the script according to gods’ composition in time and acts, humans have no capability to choose and deviate even the slightest.  Let us listen to how Li Hongzhi instructs his disciples.

Video of Li Hongzhi: Because of the higher life forms, in his arranging of human lives, does not do so according to your abilities, not according to your abilities in the normal people, nothing like that at all, it sees your abilities as nothing.  He arranges it according to the person’s karma.  Oh, this person, the virtue is so great; look, you try to your bitter end still cannot make as much as he does.  He is nothing, but his virtues are so great, he is carrying bundles of 100 yuan notes home.  You, have nothing to compare, you can hardly make 1 yuan a day.

Female commentator:  Look, according to this saying, it is unnecessary to work diligently to accumulate wealth through work.  All strivings and progresses of lives are destined to be a waste of efforts, all creativities and pursuits should be abandoned, the meaning of life is left to cultivating cross-legged.

Male commentator: The theory of Fate according to Li Hongzhi reaches beyond the fortunes of ordinary citizens.

Video of Li Hongzhi: …Those of great fortunes, great capabilities, He will arrange him…the smaller fortunes ones, smaller capabilities, he can never hold high offices.  Regardless of whatever happened to the Paris Commune, overthrowing the monarchy, let me tell you, the presidents, prime ministers of Paris in history, were actually reincarnations of past emperors.

Male commentator: This is really ridiculous.  Those with good fortunes hold high offices life after life, those without are forever grass-root citizens.  Let alone the fact that the last French Emperor Louis XVI was dethroned by the bourgeois revolution, and that the Paris Commune was the first attempt of the proletariats to overthrow the bourgeois regime seventy-nine years later; should it be true that all presidents in the French history are reincarnations of past emperors, what would de Gaulle and Pompidou think had they had the chance to listen to the musings of this rare man named Li Hongzhi from China?

Female commentator: If fate cannot be changed, then can it be foretold?  Li Hongzhi gives a positive answer.

Video of Li Hongzhi: For those with the capabilities to foretell the future, they can see the whole life of a person.  His first half of life, his second half of life, and even see beyond this range to much further.  Some people having great strong capabilities, can see the development and changes of a society.  Some can even see bigger space, its changes, evolution, and transformation.

Male commentator: Given this capability of Falungong, it can reveal all performance scripts and movie film designed for everyone.  Comparing to the street-fortune-tellers, Li Hongzhi is obviously highly skilled.  He has a full dimension of the theories of fate.

Video of Li Hongzhi: Your life has been produced long times ago, not knowing how many parents, how many children you have; which one is the true parent?  Right?  Only your primitive originating parents are real.

Female commentator: I would guess anyone with common sense should be shocked upon hearing this.  According to his saying, a person can be the grandson of his son’s in his previous life, and a plant in his next life.

Male commentator: this allows us to understand why many Falungong disciples abandon the feelings for family, friendship, love—all those labeled as normal peoples’ attachments, and change into someone neglecting families, neglecting the responsibilities as wife, husband, mother, father, and be separated from us forever.

Female commentator: Falungong thus destroys the normal ethical and healthy social order.  Li Hongzhi even places his parents into this scheme to make the point.

Video of Li Hongzhi: In this Universe, my age is the oldest, even all my past parents were created by me.

Male commentator: We could hardly believe our ears.  To portray his spiritual magic, to make a name for himself, he even debases his own parents in public.  Persons like this are hard to find in this world.

Female commentator: Now, let us examine how Li Hongzhi defines the principles for human social lifes.

Video of Li Hongzhi: The good and bad of the people, you know what are the causes and effects?  He scolded him once, that is perhaps he (the one being scolded) owed him one.  He hit him once, perhaps he (the victim) owed him one.  You should not be concerned with these matters, he will be taken cared of by the normal people, the ordinary law among the common people takes care of this.  You are super-normal, if you want to do these things (to stop the fight), you cannot see this causality, you feel you have done a good thing, but you actually do a bad thing.

Female commentator: Li Hongzhi is instructing his followers: the will of the heaven cannot be violated, no one can interfere with the gods’ plan, disturbing the arrangement by heavenly will and insert himself.  According to his logic, murderers and their victims are merely settling the scores of karma from their previous lives, retribution in one.  Heroes sacrificing their lives for others should not deserve respects, because such an act was repaying the life owed to the beneficiary in the previous life.

Male commentator: Li Hongzhi attempts to deny all charities and courageous acts in the human society, and advices people to tolerate evils.

Female commentator: Falungong not only wants to regulate the principles of people’s social behaviors, it also attempt to distort the causes of wars in human history.

Video of Li Hongzhi: Why there were wars in the ancient time?  I tell you, it was determined by the heaven.  Because the gods in the Universe have given human in this space two fundamentally unchangeable (rules), much less allow it to change, it is: armed to conquered, the king rules.

MALE COMMENTATOR: Li Hongzhi certainly does not understand that wars are the continuations of politics among the classes, nations, and states.  According to his theory, wars are the wills of heaven, a game played by the gods, and have nothing to do with justice.

FEMALE COMMENTATOR: In his Zhuan Falun, he claimed that Yue Fei, no matter however strong he could be, could not save the Song Dynasty, because he acted against the heavenly will.  Li Hongzhi does not only comment on histories of remote past, here is a recording.

Audio of Li Hongzhi: The Rape of Nanking, horrific, 300 thousand people.  What are the Xinxing (mind-nature) of these 300 thousand people, whom you should ask, do you know what that was?  I tell you, some people, how should I say it, whatever you tell them, he will not believe.  What did your 300 thousand account to?  How many died in the two atomic bombs?  How many died in the wars in history? How many perished in World War II?  How many did Hitler kill?  These things I can tell you, I can summarily tell you, ah, I can tell you in summary, were brought by the changes in the heavenly phenomenon, brought by the heavenly phenomena in the whole Universe.  Everything has its cause and effects.

MALE COMMENTATOR: We cannot hold down our anger.  Any Chinese of character will be infuriated with anger for the Rape of Nanking!  But to Li Hongzhi, the murder of 300 thousand compatriots in Nanking was due to their not-so-good Xinxing, and destined by fate!  The murderous acts of Japanese militaristic acts are the burden of gods!  All descendents of Chinese all over the world will not let go of Li Hongzhi, this criminal against the nation.

FEMALE COMMENTATOR: Finishing his nonsense about wars, Li Hongzhi attempts to take explain the civilization development of humanity.

Video of Li Hongzhi: The gods have arranged the development of human society.   For example, in ancient China, a god was sent down to make paper, another to make the compass.  Right, he finished these for everyone to use.

Video of Li Hongzhi: This is arranged by gods, the paper-maker Cai Lun.  This compass, including all the great doctors of China, many many pottery and porcelain inventions, including the glass in the west, are all arranged by the heaven, and gods, sending down people to do these.

FEMALE COMMENTATOR: This is a weird story.  The proudest contributions to humanity by the ancestors of Chinese, the Four Great Inventions recognized all over the world, are portrayed as the deeds of gods.  I guess, any Chinese with a sense of history and national pride would disagree.

MALE COMMENTATOR: The footprints of development of China and the World are very clear: today’s civilization is the results of great experiments and creativity by science performed by millions and millions of people.  Li Hongzhi insists that they are the gifts or misfortunes given by gods.  Then, is Li Hongzhi’s interest focused on the ancients?  Let us listen to a passage by Li Hongzhi.

Video of Li Hongzhi: Just now, someone suggested, your Master has such great capabilities, why not contribute to improving the state’s economy?  Every one was laughing.  Yes, everyone knows, the development of human society is moving according to rules, what to do next is decided by gods.  If you want to do this and that, and you improve the economy, the world will be in chaos.  Do the gods allow you to do what you want?  You human want to do something, so that the heaven will allow you?  The gods follow your directions?  You may feel that a good economy is important to the state, but do you know that the gods take other things more seriously.  You know that people do not deserve fortunes because their merits and virtues are not good, they have bad heart.  When people are so corrupt, you still want this and that?  Who will give them to you!  Human want fortune must reduce their karma, collect great virtues.  Otherwise, it is not only bad economy, it calls for disasters in nature and the human, followed year after year.

FEMALE COMMENTATOR: The true face of Li Hongzhi has been fully exposed by now.  He is fundamentally denying all the Chinese people have done for the four modernizations.  From his view, all we have done to reinvigorate the nation was in vain, all the five-year plans we have will not fundamentally change any of the gods’ plan.

MALE COMMENTATOR: He also deviously claims that all natural disasters are warning and punishments from heaven on the nation.  From the venomous curses of Li Hongzhi’s, we can see his ugly face of anti-society, anti-government, and anti-human.

FEMALE COMMENTATOR:  Upon this time, people may want to ask Master Li a question: when everything is predetermined by fate, and since Master Li can see through the secrets of heaven, from past into the future, and everything is under his control, why he does not foretell the shameful fall of Falungong in 1999?

